
this is the story of becoming a hero the hard way

Rich boy turned adventurer... you've heard this story before. Wealthy son of a mining and jeweling business went rogue under the pressure of too much responsibility, turning his sights on becoming a hero out of the storybooks he used to read. Through blood, sweat, and tears he fancied himself an adventurer, eventually. However, after paying the ultimate price he clawed his way back into the ring and onto the stage to drown his sorrows and shattered pride in the attention and praise of others.

Champions aren't born, we're built...

Name: Rei'leon Sabas
Nickname: Leon, Leo
Age: 30-something summers
Height: 5'2 (157cm)
Build: Sturdy, muscular-athletic
Race: Miqo'te (half seeker, half keeper)
Gender: Male
Orientation: Pansexual, polyam
Residence: Ul'dah
Ocupation: Fighter, Dancer, Masseur, Security/Courtesan at Mikoshi’s Rest
"Canon" classes: MNK, DNC, BLM

Likes: sparring, banter, working with his hands, adrenaline rushes.
Dislikes: Meanspirited people, gold diggers, inaction, buzz kills.
Basic Personality: Overly confident, proud, charismatic, courageous, good sense of humor, stubborn, snarky, reckless, protective, heart of gold, determined, control freak, competitive, calculating
Strengths: Agility, Speed, his smile?
Weaknesses: Cooking, Lactose intolerant, Healing, Ego.

Combat Prowess


wip but have a...

Grew up living/traveling between Thavnair and Ul'dah due to family business. Read a bunch of stories about heroes saving the day. Said yo cool I wanna do that. Left home to his mother's disappointment. Dabbled in dance and fight rings while getting his foot in the door of adventuring. Made friends along the way, yay. Bad stuff happened, yikes, and nearly died... twice. Heavy recovery, met some folks. Decided not to adventure anymore, because trauma, and focus on fight rings and dancing once again instead of. Through that vein he picked up massaging as a skill (both aetherical and not; it’s the only form of healing he can do), and was just vibing until finding his way to Ishgard for work. But that, too, was only temporary, and he’s returned to mostly working within Ul’dah and Kugane.

And he's made of gold...

Early life info here. Childhood and stuff.
Born in Thavnair to a rich family that works in the mining and jewelry business, he was the only boy. From a young age he was taught to both fight and dance, the latter being more of a hobby of choice. He has a complicated relationship with his mother, which in turn influenced a complicated relationship with his sisters. He left home at 17 to become an adventurer.

I can and I will.

the in-between~
He traveled to Eorzea and eventually met his besties and party for the next several years. He honed his combat prowess and the group did a lot of good and helped a lot of people. To supplement income when in city limits he performed and entered fight rings. (Layer on once of an appropriate age this branched into escort work.) Naturally when you’re doing good and playing hero you wind up with enemies.

rock bottom has built more heroes than privilege.

During his time with his party they all became very close. One member of which he formed a little sister/big bro dynamic with. She was family. Another, the healer of the group, he fell in love with. Some traumatic stuff happened that I need to properly content warn so to keep it safe and short: bad stuff happened and his “little sister” died. Leo was never the same. Her death essentially broke up the party though they tried to weather through. Eventually, Leo and his partner decided to move back to Thavnair to start a family and get ‘officially’ married.

Legends never die

what happens when you should've perished instead of her. Pick yourself up, king.
During the planning stages of their wedding they took note of what was going on in Eorzea and both chose to answer the call and go back and help. They were at the battle of Carteneau. His wife saved his life (bringing him back from death) at the sacrifice of her own. He was sent back home for recovery but he would never fully recover from this loss. After recovering enough, he fled to an airship back to Eorzea to simply exist, away from his biological family and their pressures. He fell back on performing, fighting, and escorting and into bad coping mechanisms. Along the way he picked up a skill in massage. Eventually, he became more functional and as he is now though he still remains drifting through life trying to be a light for those in the dark rather than focus on his own inner turmoil.


Twinkle Toes: common
Leon is a performer, a dancer, most specifically. Whether it be dancing a night in a tavern, on the road or someplace more permanent: it is possible for you to have spotted him dancing somewhere during his lifetime. His specialty lies in styles brought from Thavnair and Ul’dah. He also has a pension for having flashier shows with bits of fire or fan dancing worked in. Currently, he does most of his performances and other services (aetherical/nonaetherical massage & escorting) at the Lonely Lilly (currently not yet a physical venue in game.) It is possible to have seen or heard of him there.

Put 'em Up: common
When not providing the above services, Leo can often be found in the middle of a brawl. Perhaps, you remember him from the bloodstands years ago; maybe you fought him in a hole in the wall fightclub, or maybe you scrapped in an alley at an illegal tournament. Whatever the case, if you've been in the fighting scene it's possible you've seen or heard of him, be it more recently or years ago.

Hero’s Journey: uncommon
From (roughly) ages 17-24 Rei'leon spent those years honing his combat prowess to become a skilled adventurer and help those in need within Eorzea between other jobs. Maybe you partied up with him for a short time back in the day, offered guidance, or were someone he helped along the way!

The Mark of a... uncommon→rare
One of the most notable things about Leo is the white tattoo on his right shoulder and upper arm, but it is not the only tattoo; it's just the only one that is visible. While he may already have a supplier for invisible ink, it is possible to have done business with him in the past to help procure such ink for him. Or perhaps, you were an artist who used the ink to tattoo one of the many tattoos on his body.

Glitter is Gold: rare
Not many know of his origins, but there is a sliver of a chance that you knew him when he was a child/teen, or that you know/know of his illustrious family. His parents are in the mine and jewelry owning business, using the best quality minerals and gems from their own mines to craft into jewelry, some of which, can be enchanted. They predominantly operate out of Thavnair though have a secondary base of operations within Ul'dah.

__☼ Behind the Scenes__
Hello! You can call me Rhap. I'm a 30+ roleplayer and have been rping for over 20 years, though I'm newish to xiv rp! I'm still learning the lore and ask that you please be gentle.

♦ I have difficulty reading light text on dark backgrounds! Because of this it makes reading the in game chat difficult. I may be slow to read/type, and might miss something! Feel free to send me a /tell if I missed or you want to interact!

♦ I can do both paragraph and 'script' rp, though in game I tend to lean somewhere in between. (Lazy lit for all you folks who know that term.)

♦ I can do both long-term and short-term rp, though short-term tends to be easiest atm. I feel most comfortable doing long-term with people I get to know a little better ooc/friends. But I’m happy to use Leo more as an npc to help you further your own plot.

♦ I don’t always reach out since IRL is busy af, but if we're in a shared space and you want to interact with my oc please feel free to reach out!

What's Good

✔ I'm okay with mature themes, but would appreciate content warnings or ask of consent before engaging in dark or disturbing themes. (See no's)

✔ Lore-bending. I'm not insanely competent with the lore yet, and my own oc is lore-bending, but please just make it make sense!

✔ IC flirting & flings (see: No's)

✔ When in doubt just ask me! Communication is key and I'm fairly chill with most things if it's discussed.

The No's
♦ I will not RP with minors. Furthermore, I do not have any interest in rping with anyone under the age of 23. That being said, if we are in a group setting I don't mind having our characters chat a little. I do my best to not ignore people or have them feel left out. Just understand anything outside of a casual, group chat things will likely not go any further than that.

♦ I do not usually accept in game friend requests from strangers. I prefer that we interact a few times ic at the same venue or interact ooc within the same venue or discord server before being added to friendlists in game. I may or may not be willing to hand out my discord upon ask.

♦ Within the same vein, I will not ERP with anyone who I don't feel comfortable with or who I have not at least spoken to with on more than one occasion oocly. (The exception is when doing escort work at venues!) This is because I value comfort zones and consent to such a high degree I want to make sure we can communicate well enough oocly before ever engaging in intimate rp.
*Note: While the above stands, I am perfectly okay with discussing my oc's sexual preferences or potential flings (previous or otherwise). HCing what’s been done behind closed doors is A-OK.

♦ Do not blur the lines of OOC and IC. We are not our characters. If my oc acts rudely to yours please don't take it personally, as I won't if yours does the same. My OC's views do not necessarily reflect my own.

♦ I am not okay with horror or gore. (There are specific cases where this is fine, and if it happens I've likely consented or know the other person well enough.)

♦ Noncon and dubcon is a hard no. I would prefer if topics lean into SA for them to be content warned. Basically, don't make me suddenly read something very triggering.